The Bretton Woods Conference
A Brief History of Events That Created OITC
The global history of currency exchange has shifted from a gold-backed monetary system to one that uses fiat currency. This section explains why that shift happened and why the assets and accounts controlled by OITC are so significant.
At the Bretton Woods Conference (New Hampshire 1944) on monetary policy, a number of new institutions were created. Among them were the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Tripartite Gold Commission (TGC).
The above and the Fiat Currencies plan were in pursuit of monetary and financial stability which was seen as a possible solution to sustainable growth that could prevent the mutual destruction of humanity as the nuclear fission era had already dawned.
Prior to that, in 1910 following the financial collapse of the 1890's, a meeting of the most senior Bankers in the United States was held at Jekyll Island, United States of America where it was determined that a more elastic monetary system was needed in order to prevent collapses as had occurred in the 1890's. This led to the Aldrich Act in 1912 and the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1914. It still took almost 60 years to implement Fiat Currencies, finally completed in 1972.
In 1921 Crown Prince Hirohito of Japan, soon to become Emperor Hirohito, attended a conference of World Leaders in London. What occurred at this conference is not known as it was forever sealed, but it clearly was the beginning of the Tripartite Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan who became the Axis Powers during World War II.
Prince Hirohito also visited Belgium and the then Yugoslavia in the Balkans.
The Tripartite alliance is important to note as a few years later, in 1930, these countries, Germany, Italy, Japan together with Yugoslavia, and Belgium were the founding nations of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which was then also joined by Britain and the group of United States commercial Banks that owned the Federal Reserve. The first General Manager was Thomas McKittrick from the United States.

Prince Hirohito
In the USA the Gold Reserve Act in 1934 became law, people had to surrender all coin and bullion gold into the Federal System.
Most people in the world did follow the law and surrendered their Gold in return for paper money. However, most people of two ethnic groups refused to surrender their gold. These were the Jews in Europe and the Chinese in Asia. This stubborn attitude led to terrible consequences, the Holocaust executed by the Nazis in Europe and the Chook Sing and Nanjing massacres to be only a very small part of what was executed by the Japanese in Asia.
Pursuant to the Agreement Between Nations (London 1921), a plan to introduce fiat currencies was needed to be formed, therefore, the early beginnings of Trilateral and Tripartite institutions began forming the Allied and Axis factions respectively and working together to create the new monetary systems.
They believed they needed to have a monetary system of fiat currencies, backed by debt obligations that were secretly underwritten by hidden wealth but appeared to be supported by the value of the labour and production of the people.
To be fair, the concept of Fiat Currencies that can be expanded and contracted at will, was an experiment that had never been tried before.
This was to be finally achieved in 1972 under President Nixon.
From this the Bank for International Settlements was born (1930) and the need for agreement on a Plan to allow for the development of an elastic currency system to replace the overly rigid system tied to known gold standards.
In order to achieve that, it meant that there could be no gold or other precious metal on the market that could be used to back currencies, simply because of the reality, that similarly, a Fiat Dollar could not compete with a Gold-backed Dollar.
Therefore, bullion and coin Gold had to disappear. And so, it did during World War II.
Under the plan developed by the experts by 1928, all coin and bullion gold needed to be surrendered into Central Banks
Somewhere in this secret mix of treaties and agreements between 1908 and 1933, the decision by the World Nations had been made to eventually to do away with the known Gold Standards and that all Gold Bullion and Gold Coins were to be surrendered by law to the various Central Banks around the World.

The Holocaust

The Nanjing Massacre
During World War II, the Axis forces enforced the Gold Agreement, the Japanese rounded up all the gold that had not been surrendered in 1933/34 in Asia while Germans did the same in Europe, also eliminating the families who owned the gold so that there could be no claims for reparations, as such claims would undermine the entire system. All this Federal Gold was then secreted in South East Asia, supervised by the highest-ranking Military Officer in South East Asia, Lt. General Shigenori Kuroda, Supreme Commander of Japanese Forces in South East Asia, and Military Governor of the then occupied Philippines. General Kuroda had attended the 1921 Conference in London with Crown Prince Hirohito.
Throughout World War II, Kuroda and his subordinates secreted and hid much of the Federal Gold in the Philippines, as well as in other countries, recording every ounce of gold and the exact grid location of every site the gold was buried. These records were passed to Prince Chichibu (a younger brother of Emperor Hirohito), who later passed the records on to Emperor Hirohito himself who then registered that information with the Bank for International Settlements where they are, and remain Federal Assets, today owned and controlled by His Excellency Dr Ray C. Dam. No bank certificate issued in error or incorrectly understood can expunge that fact.
President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos was appointed as International Treasury Controller in 1968 as heir and successor of President Soekarno of Indonesia, who was International Treasury Controller from 1946 till 1968. Ferdinand Marcos, who was appointed Heir and successor to Soekarno, recovered many of the vast amounts of Federal Assets that had been secreted by Lt. General Shigenori Kuroda in the Philippines. These assets had been recorded in the Bank for International Settlements by Emperor Hirohito of Japan during and after World War II.
Marcos appointed a few of his trusted people to act as Holders of the accounts and assets in the global banking system and in the Philippines.

Lt. General Shigenori Kuroda
This Consortium of equal partners and account Holders, is compliant with the terms established by Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, and set forth in the Certificates of Immunity given to all Holders appointed by him and in accordance with the Certificates of Entitlement issued by him, always the same for every Holder. The Holder is entitled to 15% of the value. The redeemer is entitled to 15% of the value and 70% is to be placed into an International Trust for Humanitarian Purposes to better the lives of the People. This complies with the International Treaty Agreements, last signed in 2015 by all 209 nations in the World.
Many of these Holders passed away, or for other reasons, disposed of the Certificates and Accounts that they held.
The stories that Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita buried the famous Yamashita Treasures are simply not true. Yamashita never arrived in the Philippines until October 5, 1944, while the burying of treasure in the Asian Archipelago had been going on since April of 1942, under the control of Lt. General Shigenori Kuroda.
Governments had already centralized control of their gold by registering it into a global system within the B.I.S. known then as the Gold Pool. This Government gold, and to a lesser extent, the assets that had been seized by force became the focus of the Tripartite Gold Commission, which was established at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 for a term of 50 years to undertake the restitution of Monetary Gold. The terms of management and control are set out in accordance with the Treaty of Paris and Subsequent Accords (1935, 1974, 1987, 2015) and set out in the Treaty of Yalta, therefore regulatory control is executed under International Treaty Law. It was the 1987 Accords that foresaw the need for a permanent control system over these off-ledger assets.
In 1988 President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos assigned all of the Federal Assets to a young Cambodian/American scholar, Dr. Ray C. Dam, who had been specially trained and mentored for the position. This transfer was subsequently ratified and endorsed by all Nations on January 20, 1995, in accordance with the Supreme International Treaty Law. No Government and no Court has jurisdictional authority that can abridge or amend the Supreme Law relating to Federal Assets.
In 1994 the 50-year Term of the Tripartite Gold Commission expired. However, a few years before, in October of 1988, the International Institutional Parent Combined Collateral Accounts Commission (IIPCCAC) was established to replace it, with His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam appointed as Sole Arbiter and Owner. These accounts are also known as the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts (IPRA) of the Federal Reserve and are what underpins the U.S. Dollar.

President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos
The Office of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam was ratified by 209 national Governments and declared on January 20, 1995.
In 2003 after discussions with officers from the National Security Agency in the United States, it was recommended and agreed that the name of the office be changed to the Office of International Treasury Control. OITC has absolute control as the owner-signatory organization of the IPRA and as Owners and Controllers of all the assets held in the International Combined Collateral Accounts which is the Parent funding organization of the Global Financial System.
From 1995 to 2010 the operations of OITC were so secret, that even the existence of OITC was normally denied by organizations such as the Federal Reserve, Banks, United Nations and Governments. This was partly due to the nature of assets that OITC owned and the level of authority OITC had over those assets and the inability of the general public to understand. It was also to prevent knowledge of the existence of the Collateral Accounts and the role they play in the modern financial system that had been instituted in 1971 by the Amendment to the Foreign Gold Act under the Nixon Administration.
OITC operates through their office in Washington D.C. The Washington Office is situated at 1133 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Washington, DC., 20036 United States of America.
His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam remains in control as Chairman and Dr. Keith F. Scott remains as Deputy Chairman and Chief of Cabinet, and Mrs Susan Dragoneas is the Group General Secretary and Chief of International Affairs.